When I tell people that we take 3 weeks to do final exams – in a program where the coursework goes 4 months – they are amazed. And a bit horrified, thinking back to their own school exams.
But that’s not how we roll…
During our exams, the Tailoring girls each make a two set designs: a school uniform and a work uniform. These are things they can make money doing in a small business, or get a job doing at a small factory.
Then they get to create a dress, and WOW! These are their own designs, their own creations, their own imaginations. Then they do a fashion show expo to show off their work.
Not only did they do a great job, they had SASS. Attitude. Pride. They strutted down the “runway”, popping their hips and twirling for the audience. It was great!
Why is this more than just a fun anecdote?
The girls in Skills for Life are among the poorest of the poor. Most have never been to school. Many are teenage mothers who have engaged in sex work to survive. Not only did their mothers not encourage them to great things in the world — they often are the ones encouraging them into prostitution.
NO ONE expected anything, literally anything, from these girls.
Until they came to Touch the Slum.
Without fail (so far!) they rise to the expectation, and it’s truly glorious to watch.
THANK YOU – you are the one making this possible. This smile, this sass, this HOPE. That’s on you!
Webele nyo!
PS Our project for funding the hairdressing supplies for final exams is 77% funded — we just need $65. We’d love your help to close it out! Click —->