Quick Update at Year End


First, we JUST crossed $75,000 in total donations raised on DonorSee – in just 16 months! As a small nonprofit, that’s HUGE!!! (And that’s all YOU!)


Second, we’re really close to fully funding the farm! And so much is going on out there right now – check out our Instagram page for more.


And finally, we’re pretty close to our goal for year end fundraising at DonorSee – which was a stretch goal to begin with. We’ve had 6 projects funded in the last 24 hours! If you want to help today or tomorrow, you can go to this page and either make an unspecified donation or see all our project.

We SO appreciate all your support, encouragement, emails, and (of course) donations over this last year — you’re the best!

Webele nyo!


PS What are you doing to celebrate the new year?

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